Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Buy and soak raisins in cognac for Christmas pudding

This is a psychological exercise given to me by an armature shrink and dear friend. I’m to think of my latest obsession, the idea of loving said fixation and the thought of forever in its grips then I’m to write down the first ten words/feeling that falls on me. Here are the words but truth to tell I don't see the point of it even if I had a laugh when I saw mother on my list.

Responsibility, old, mother, promise, lips, time, possibilities, want, despair and perfection.

Sunrise on the Bay of Fundy by William Bradford
You are for me a strain
I wished you away and still you are for me an unbearable pain to which I’ve gone to the Chinese tea shop and purchased the cure. It was bitter, expensive and gave me heartburn but what else could I do? The hypnosis was not working. I was meant to pull out one strand of hair from the root with every thought of you and was bold my entire body over inside a week. 
My love, my care,


  1. I tried your exercise and instead of ten words, my mind went blank. I wonder what that says about me and my obsessions?
